Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Who is Bangaladesh prime minister? 

Sheikh Hasina is Prime minister of Bangaladesh. She recently won the Pariliment election. She became 3rd term as a Prime minister of Bangaladesh. 

what is abbreviation of GSLV?

GSLV abbreviation is: Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle. ISRO has been sent GSLV-D5 on Sunday.It Has injected the GSAT-14 satellite into the orbit.

Who is the author of "Wolf Totem"?

Wolf Totem is a 2004 Chinese semi-autobiographical novel. It had wrote by Jiang Rong. He is a young man from Beijing.This book translated 250 languauges world wide. This book selling 50 thousand copy's with in 2 weeks.

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